Most Common Questions asked by our guests answered on one page!

You will receive all instructions at least 24h before the check in time, all of our properties are equipped with lockboxes or digital keylocks.

All guests must leave property until 11am, unless previously agreed with the owner or the property manager.

Properties will be cleaned and ready for check-in by 4pm unless otherwise agreed. In any case, please let us know your desired check in time and we may be able to accommodate it.

If for any reason you wish to cancel your reservation, please do it in time the moment when you find out that you will not need the apartment. If there is any possibility of shortening the period of stay, we recommend that, you always make a booking for the period when you will need the apartment for sure, with possibility of extension. We have very strict cancelation policy.

The minimum stay depends on the type of property chosen, however the minimum period is usually two days.

Yes, all properties have internet connection, free of charge. If you want to be sure there is an internet connection, check when doing the reservation, mountain and remote properties have satellite internet which is not reliable as fiber.

Do not hesitate to contact us for all additional questions.